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Posted on Wednesday, March 10, 2021 02:00 PM
March 11 designated as a National Day of Observance
In conjunction with the Government of Canada’s recent announcement to designate March 11, 2021 as a National Day of Observance, the Town of St. Marys is offering the Church St. entrance steps of the Public Library as a place for the community to pay tribute to those who have died from Covid-19.
“It’s been just over a year since the first death was recorded in Canada due to Covid-19.” Says Al Strathdee, Mayor of Town of St. Marys, “Our town has...
Posted on Tuesday, March 02, 2021 09:15 AM
Residents may have noticed a new Community Resource Officer during the past two months. Aaron Mounfield started in this role on January 4, 2021 and the Town would like to officially welcome him.
“Aaron brings an enthusiastic energy level to the role and has a good understanding of our local community,” says Mayor Al Strathdee. “We are excited to welcome Aaron as our Community Resource Officer in St Marys.”
Constable Mounfield was born in Stratford and has lived in this area his entire life. He...
Posted on Wednesday, February 24, 2021 01:15 PM
With snowmobiling being a very popular activity with the current conditions, the Town of St. Marys is reminding residents of the by-laws regarding operating motorized snow and other all-terrain vehicles. Failing to adhere to these laws could result in damage to property, fines, injury or even death.
Motorized snow vehicles must NOT be operated:
Posted on Tuesday, February 23, 2021 11:45 AM
Scavenger hunt a unique way to learn local history
Get outside, get active, and safely learn about St. Marys’ history with the people in your household. The St. Marys Museum and EarlyON have partnered to create a scavenger hunt. Each of the nine stops is of historic significance, with plaques to give further information.
“There is so much to be learned from the historic plaques in our community. Even stopping to read a sentence or two is a great way for young families to promote literacy, get active...
Posted on Monday, February 22, 2021 09:15 AM
Funds used to purchase tools and commemorative plaques.
The St. Marys Fire Department has the ability to add new equipment and a St. Marys Fire Department Wall of Fame to the new fire hall. It’s all thanks to a $7,500 donation from the St. Marys Lions Club, which was presented to Fire Chief Richard “Andy” Anderson on Friday, February 19, 2021.
The funds from the Lions Club are going to be used to purchase much needed equipment and tools that were not part of the new fire hall contingency plan....