The St. Marys Youth Centre provides youth in grades three to eight with a safe and inclusive space to socialize, encourage development and reinforce positive play. Come visit us at the Pyramid Recreation Centre at 317 James Street South.
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We're operated by the Town of St. Marys with support by the United Way and other funders.

Activities |
Youth will enjoy a variety of programming for all interests, such as crafts, sports, a homework space, and a technology area complete with gaming systems and a television.
View a list of upcoming youth-focused activities on Activenet.
Dates and times |
Youth in Grade 3 to Grade 8 for the 2024-2025 school year can enjoy the space:
- Monday - Thursday: 3:15 - 7:00 p.m.
- Friday: 3:15 - 6:00 p.m.
A Youth Centre Membership is required to participate.
Capacity Limit |
The regular limit is 50. Some days will have a capacity of 25 due to events and clinics running in the Community Hall. Capacity may change for a variety of reasons such as regulations and special guest limits. |
Pre-requisite |
A Youth Centre membership is required to access the Youth Centre.
Memberships consist of a one-time payment of $50 for the entire 2023 to 2024 school year. This works out to approximately $5 per month. The Access to Recreation Grant is available for families that require financial assistance to access the Centre.
How to purchase a membership
Create an account on ActiveNet or update your existing account to ensure each child is listed as a family member. Please update your child's age/grade and any medical conditions, allergies or specific needs. Learn more about getting started on ActiveNet.
- Login to your account and purchase a $50 Youth Centre membership.
How to participate |
Membership holders can either pre-register online each day or drop-in to participate in Youth Centre activities, pending capacity limits. |
Terms and Conditions |
Respect and Responsibility (Rzone) |
The Rzone is an operation procedure that identifies a code of conduct which applies to all Town of St. Marys buildings, facilities programs, parks and trails. The Rzone procedure enforces a set of expectations around inappropriate behaviour, violence, and vandalism for participants and the general public.
The “R” in the Rzone stands for Respect and Responsibility. Respect for Yourself, Respect for Others and Responsibility for your Actions. The logo will serve as a reminder to staff and the public that the operating procedure is in effect and applies to everyone: participants, visitors, residents, staff, etc.
The goal of the Rzone policy is to promote a positive, safe and supportive environment in all Town of St. Marys buildings, facilities, programs, parks and trails.
Discipline |
In the event of a participant not adhering to rules and responsibilities as laid out by the Town of St. Marys and St. Marys Youth Centre, they may be asked to leave the Youth Centre, including the Pyramid Recreation Centre as a whole. This decision will be made by Town staff and could result in a suspension of one day or longer. If your child has been asked to leave, our staff will notify parents immediately. All disciplines and suspensions will be handled by the Manager. If a youth gets more than three discipline actions in six months they can be expelled from the Centre for one year. |
Duty of Care |
The St. Marys Youth Centre is a drop-in facility where participants are able sign themselves in and out of the Centre. Staff do not have the authority to keep participants inside the Youth Centre.
An individual may come back into the Youth Centre if there is time and capacity remaining. The Town of St Marys takes no responsibility for participants signed out of the Youth Centre and/or those who come and go from the facility. It is recommended that those signed up for the Youth Centre remain in the Centre.
Supervision |
The St. Marys Youth Centre is supervised by recreation staff at all times. Any youth signed out of the Centre may be asked to leave the Pyramid Recreation Centre altogether unless participating in another event or program within the PRC. It is recommended that those signed up for the Youth Centre remain in the Centre. For the safety of participants and staff the Youth Centre is monitored by video camera surveillance. These cameras are monitored by the Town of St. Marys.
Damage to Property |
If youth damage property or equipment within the Youth Centre the Town of St. Marys may request payment for repairs or replacement. Property or equipment value will be determined by the Town of St. Marys. A suspension may take place until fees are paid in full. |
Technology Use |
Youth are expected to use all technology in a safe and appropriate manner including equipment owned by the Town of St. Marys, St. Marys Youth Centre and personal belongings (cell phone, tablets and personal computers). Computers located within the Youth Centre are monitored by the Town of St. Marys and restrictions are in place to avoid inappropriate content. The use of inappropriate content on personal equipment and Town owned equipment may result in a suspension from the Youth Centre. |
Photo Gallery
Photo Gallery: Youth Centre will appear here on the public site.