External water use ban

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An external watering ban for the town has been implemented, effective immediately.

Due to the prolonged warm and dry conditions currently being experienced in the region, excessive water use is putting a strain on the Town’s water production capabilities. The water supply is not recharging and consumption continues to place a growing strain on the system.

Watering of flowers, shrubs, small trees and vegetable gardens will be permitted with hand held appliances only. Watering with sprinkler systems is not permitted.


Frequently asked questions about the external water use ban



Stacey Wheal | Corporate Communications Specialist
519-284-2340, ext. 429 | swheal@town.stmarys.on.ca

Dave Blake, C.E.T.  |  Supervisor of Environmental Services
519-284-2340, ext. 209 | dblake@town.stmarys.on.ca

Jed Kelly  | Director of Public Works
519-284-2340, ext. 244  |  jkelly@town.stmarys.on.ca